Situation Reaction Test – SET 6 Men, Recommended Candidate Responses
SRT 1 : You were going for a walk and suddenly confronted by two gonads ‘(You r empty handed)……..
1. Hit one in the nose and the other in the eyes, escaped from there, call the police, caught them.
2. He will engage with them, beat them hard, take help nearby people to tie them, call 100 share location to PCR, handed over the gonads to them. Went home.
SRT 2 : You have to go to a city with cash for work but the way is dangerous as dacoits…… how will u manage to go?
- Took the public transport ,went to the college paid his college fees of 50,000.
- He will transfer money to his account, move to that city without cash, withdraw the amount through cheque from SBI. Do the work, come back to his city safely.
SRT 3 :You are travelling an auto which collides with a car and car driver starts beating auto driver….what you do
1. Convince the car driver, solve the issue peacefully, went to the office on time.
2. He will intervene, check for the loss of both sides, convince them to negotiate mutually, sort issues, continue the travel.
SRT 4 : He was driving the bike without helmet and the traffic police caught him. He…….
1. Showed the letter from the fun mall security office about the theft of his helmet during the movie, bought a new helmet.
2. He will pay the fine, buy a new helmet, after that drive motorcycle with a helmet on always.
SRT 5 : His boss gives a piece of work and orders him to follow his instructions to complete the work, but the work is difficult to finish within time. He……..
1. Took guidance from seniors in the project work, stayed in office for extra 4 hours, finished the work within the given time.
2. He will plan the work, prioritize tasks, divide work into small pieces, complete one by one, Get the task done in time.
SRT 6 : During d exams his teacher threatened him to fail in examination. He…
1. Concentrated on the exam, finished his physics exam, went to the teacher to clear the misunderstanding.
2. he will write correct answers to the asked question, receive adequate marks, continue his studies.
SRT 7 :You are an officer posted at the border & suddenly shelling happens from the other side, you. . . . . . .
1. Inform the senior immediately, act accordingly.
2. He will order jawans to take a position, retaliate, inform the headquarter, Ask for further orders, Act as per order, manage to stop shelling. Was happy for no collateral damage to his side.
SRT 8 :The appointed day of his sister’s wedding had arrived but his father was held up in U K. So he….
1. On behalf of his he did all the necessary rituals, arranged for a virtual mode of the live wedding for his father.
2. Talk to his father, Get the knowledge of the situations. Talked with the family member of the groom, convince them to Postpone the marriage, scheduled it as soon his father got back, enjoyed the wedding of his sister